So many blogs . . . so little time! I have a hard enough time keeping up my own blogging let alone reading the blogs of others. Thank goodness it's a rainy day and I'm all caught up on the laundry!
Adoption Magazine is hosting a Blog Hop open to bloggers on all sides of adoption- birthmothers/firstmothers, adoptive parents, adult adoptees, those involved in domestic, international, open, closed, special needs, transracial adoption and foster care. I'm sure there's something new I (and all of us) can learn from someone else's experiences. To peruse the different blogs or to join the blog hop click HERE.
Image courtesy Scrapping Everyday Miracles
Thanks for this! I just found your blog. I was a foster child for years--with May (National Foster Care Month) coming up, I'm doing a ten day series on my experiences in foster care. I'd love to have your input!!!
New follower!