It’s easy to love
somebody when they love you back and show their appreciation for you. But what’s really challenging is loving someone when they don’t reciprocate
your feelings and actions or when you try loving someone when you don’t
necessarily like them.
This dilemma of loving
others when you don’t necessarily like them is certainly not just limited to
foster-adoptive parents (or any parents for that matter) but can apply to so
many relationships and aspects of our lives in general. However, I recently came across this topic
while reading a blog post specifically aimed at addressing the uncomfortable and
sensitive issue with foster and adoptive parents who were really struggling
with loving the children in their care- primarily because of the attachment
issues or other behavioral problems these children had.
As a foster parent, I
consider myself pretty safe-guarded from dealing with major attachment issues and
severe behavioral problems the children in my care might have, mostly due to
the fact that the majority of our foster children have been babies and the rest
have been toddlers and pre-school age children.
That is certainly not to say that young children can’t act out- but
dealing with hitting or tantrums doesn’t seem quite as threatening to me as dealing
with lying, stealing, running away, sexual promiscuity, or other behaviors older
children might be more likely to exhibit than younger children.
For me it’s always been
pretty easy to care for babies. I don’t
necessarily like sleepless nights or teething and changing poopy diapers, but
babies are generally easy to love because
they so easily accept love. Without
it they wouldn’t be able to survive.
Babies are also easy to love because for the most part they are able to
naturally reciprocate love. For
instance, when infants start smiling at you or cooing it makes those sleepless
nights worth it. Similarly, when a
toddler reaches out their arms for you and wants to cuddle or when a pre-schooler
has earned your trust and wants to climb up on your lap to be read to or play it
can be extremely rewarding and minimizes any of the frustrations and drama
surrounding potty training and temper tantrums.
But what about parents and
caregivers who care for children but who don’t
feel any reciprocation of love? [Reactive
Attachment Disorder immediately comes to mind in such instances.] What about caregivers who continually give
and give but feel like all they do is in vain because they feel like they have
nothing to show for their efforts?
I think that’s probably
the first problem- giving and expecting something in return. Or in the case with parenting, doing “X” and
expecting “Y” when we try this or that discipline technique and things don’t quite
turn out the way we had expected.
But isn’t the true definition
of Christ-like love giving without
expecting anything in return and loving unconditionally? Practicing that kind of love can be very
difficult. And I use the word
“practicing” because continued effort is what is required of something that
does not come naturally. I am reminded
as I write this that the words “disciple” and “discipline” stem from the same
I can honestly say that
I have loved every foster child who has been placed in my care. But here’s an honest confession: Just because I have loved them all does not
necessarily mean that I have liked
them all or felt an immediate bond with them.
I guess I feel the need to share this because sometimes I feel like
foster parents are grouped into two different categories: the dichotomy of the
evil foster parents who mistreat and abuse their foster children and who are (rightfully)
exposed in the media. These are the
horrific kind of cases that make headlines and draw attention to foster parents. On the other end of the spectrum is the assumption
that all foster parents are saints who are willing to open their homes to the
most medically fragile or extremely neglected and abused children without ever
losing their patience, getting frustrated with “The System”, or grieving when a
child leaves their care because of some sort of a superhuman power they
possess. As a foster parent, I don’t fit
into either of these categories.
I’m only human. You know how you just “click” with some
people right away and they seem so easy to get along with but others . . .
well, not so much? That’s the same with
the foster children who have been in my care.
I care for them no matter what but I get frustrated when, for example,
they repeatedly tear wallpaper off of our bedroom walls or continually hoard
their food or throw tantrums when structure (or
vegetables for that matter) or consequences are introduced into their daily
Yes, it can be really
difficult to like my foster children in such instances and I have to remind
myself of a couple of things:
1) They are a product of
their environment and are just modeling the behavior/lifestyle they’re used to.
2) Behind any anger/resistance is hurt or fear; therefore,
what is this child really trying
to communicate to me?
I do consider myself to
be a pretty patient person, but like I said, I’m only human and it’s not easy to
be patient and kind ALL the time (rather than just when things are going good)
and that’s why I am so thankful that God’s Grace- strength and power (and I would also add LOVE) beyond my own natural
abilities- comes into place to make up for what I lack.
These last thoughts on
the subject are not my own, but rather, come from a very insightful comment I
read from the blog post I mentioned earlier which addressed foster and adoptive parents having a hard time loving their children. I can only give credit to the commenter by her
first name and last initial- Hannah K- but I can’t tell you anything more about
her since I couldn’t find a link to a profile or web page to give her further
My hopes in sharing Hannah's counsel and insights is that we can all feel a little less frustrated and guilty and a little more hopeful in those aspects of our lives when we know we should love someone- but we don't necessarily like them.
Hannah K's Comment:
It is perfectly possible to love a person, even to the point of death, without ever *feeling* like it. Ideally, the feeling will be there too, to help motivate the love we give, but we can really and truly love somebody whether the feeling is there or not. The golden rule does not say to do unto others as we *feel* like doing unto them.
Often, the feelings will (slowly) begin to follow when the actions lead the way, and we can pray that they will follow quickly. But even if the feelings don't follow as we hoped, God is pleased when we are following *Him*. When we love the unlovely, we are following in the steps of His Son—and we do not have to pretend that the unlovely really *are* lovely at the moment. If we love our enemies as Christ commanded us to do, we do not have to pretend that they are not, in fact, our enemies. And sometimes, sadly, even our children can set themselves up as enemies for a time. So we can we do? Conquer them with LOVE.
We love because HE first loved us. Likewise, we cannot wait until our children are lovely before we love them, just as we cannot wait until our children are healthy and strong before we feed them. Love is the "food" that will slowly strengthen them to bestow love themselves. Just as we sometimes have to make our kids eat even when they say they aren't hungry, we also have to fill them up with love, even if they seem like they don't want it from us.
The more love we give them (through our actions), the more love they will be able to give. And the more love they are able to give, the easier they are to love. And so on. It's a snowball effect, but it sometimes starts so small that it can be hard to tell that the snowball is actually growing and not just rolling around aimlessly out in the cold."
Wow I so love this post, thanks so much for sharing some of your heart with us today and I think God put this in my path TODAY. THANK YOU. Have a Merry Christmas.