A Little Background: LDS Family Services is the agency we went through for our first adoption. I've written about them here and here. Overall our experience with LDSFS has been positive- especially when our family was involved with the adoption advocacy group Families Supporting Adoption, which was sponsored by LDS Family Services but which has (sadly) dissolved over the past couple of years. Thankfully, another advocacy group, United For Adoption, with the same purpose as Families Supporting Adoption is quickly gaining momentum.
Last month as I was grocery shopping my phone buzzed and I got a message from a very active member of the LDS Adoption Community referring me to a news article announcing that LDS Family Services would no longer be doing adoptions. Even though I've known that this would be coming for a few years now, I still felt very sad to learn that it was now "official".
Last month as I was grocery shopping my phone buzzed and I got a message from a very active member of the LDS Adoption Community referring me to a news article announcing that LDS Family Services would no longer be doing adoptions. Even though I've known that this would be coming for a few years now, I still felt very sad to learn that it was now "official".
My husband and I feel very fortunate that we were able to use LDS Family Services- a social service agency administered under the direction of our Church- for our first adoption because it greatly subsidized the costs for us to adopt a child. I know that for many other LDS couples, adopting through LDS Family Services is the only possible way they were able to afford to adopt a child. Adopting through LDS Family Services is 10% of a family's gross annual income- not to exceed $10,000 whereas other private adoption agencies can range anywhere from $25K to $40K.
Incidentally, I chuckled to myself when I read the title of one article announcing the recent changes: "Mormon church drops adoption business". Adoption is not, nor has it ever been, a "business" for the LDS Church. The word "business" implies that money is made but the truth is that the Church loses money on each adoptive placement through LDS Family Services.
Because LDS Family Services falls under the administration of Humanitarian Services/Welfare Services of the church the first explanation I heard about why Families Supporting Adoption (FSA) and adoptions through LDSFS would be coming to a halt is the costliness of adoptions. From a cost/benefit analysis adoption is a very noble cause but could $25,000 be spent to benefit more than just one family but perhaps an entire village or community through projects such a building wells to provide clean drinking water or to build a school or start a farm in an underdeveloped area? In other words, what would be most beneficial to the greatest amount of people?
The second reason I heard for LDS Family Services stopping adoptions is simply the fact that less women are choosing to place their children for adoption. This is evident by the number of prospective adoptive couples signed up with LDS Family Services (or any adoption agency for that matter) in contrast to the number of unwed mothers who choose to place their children for adoption.
On a related note, not all expectant parents who go through LDS Family Services for support choose adoption, nor are they required to do so. Some, like a high school friend of mine who became pregnant shortly after we graduated from high school, choose to parent but still receive support from the agency. (I know this because I accompanied her to a support group on one occasion). Basically it is the role of LDS Family Services to provide resources to single expectant parents and help them explore their options but they will respect and support whatever decision is made- whether that decision includes to parent or to place. This is exactly what David McConkie, the current group manager for adoptions for LDS Family Services, said in another article: "We are trying to expand our services to that group [single expectant parents] and let them know that whatever their choice, we will help them as much as we can to be successful- whatever their choice may be."
On a related note, not all expectant parents who go through LDS Family Services for support choose adoption, nor are they required to do so. Some, like a high school friend of mine who became pregnant shortly after we graduated from high school, choose to parent but still receive support from the agency. (I know this because I accompanied her to a support group on one occasion). Basically it is the role of LDS Family Services to provide resources to single expectant parents and help them explore their options but they will respect and support whatever decision is made- whether that decision includes to parent or to place. This is exactly what David McConkie, the current group manager for adoptions for LDS Family Services, said in another article: "We are trying to expand our services to that group [single expectant parents] and let them know that whatever their choice, we will help them as much as we can to be successful- whatever their choice may be."
Of course there has been speculation that LDS Family Services is getting out of adoptions because they don't want to feel "forced" to place children with homosexual parents against their religious conscience, as has been the case with other religious-based agencies such as Catholic Community Services, but none of the articles I read or any of the spokespeople for the agency cited that controversial issue as the reason for this shift in focus.
So what does this mean for adoptive couples who have been waiting to adopt through LDS Family Services?
Well, the good news is that the changes didn't go into effect immediately when the announcement was made, but will take effect at the end of this year OR when a couple's Home Study with LDS Family Services expires. Hopefully this will give at least a couple of months for many of the roughly 600 prospective adoptive families to come up with alternative plans. Since LDS Family Services will no longer be a child-placing agency they will no longer be doing home studies for adoptive couples but they will continue to provide counseling to adoptive couples.
Services to expectant parents and birthparents will basically remain unchanged. It is my understanding that LDS Family Services will continue to offer support and counseling as they always have, but since the agency no longer does home studies of adoptive applicants they will refer birthparents to other reputable adoption agencies. Birthparents will still have access to profiles of prospective LDS adoptive couples online through the itsaboutlove.org website.
Services to expectant parents and birthparents will basically remain unchanged. It is my understanding that LDS Family Services will continue to offer support and counseling as they always have, but since the agency no longer does home studies of adoptive applicants they will refer birthparents to other reputable adoption agencies. Birthparents will still have access to profiles of prospective LDS adoptive couples online through the itsaboutlove.org website.
Speaking of which . . . just for fun I looked up our profile on itsaboutlove.org this morning and discovered that after five and a half years of waiting to adopt this time around with LDS Family Services our family made it to the TOP 15 of couples who have been waiting the longest to adopt! That is, out of 561 families currently listed on itsaboutlove only 2% have been waiting to adopt longer than we have.) Too bad it's not a contest to see how long you must wait to adopt because Top 2% sounds pretty impressive if I do say so myself!
By the way, I can personally vouch for two families in the "Top Ten" who have been waiting to adopt longer than we have- Jo is my childhood friend and I met Doug and Marianne at an adoption conference four or five years ago and instantly liked them. Any child would be lucky to be in either of these families. Seriously.
By the way, I can personally vouch for two families in the "Top Ten" who have been waiting to adopt longer than we have- Jo is my childhood friend and I met Doug and Marianne at an adoption conference four or five years ago and instantly liked them. Any child would be lucky to be in either of these families. Seriously.
One major advantage of having to wait more than five years to adopt is that it gives you more time to explore other options and save up money. Because of this, our family has continued to stay licensed as a fost-adopt family through our state and we have not entirely given up inquiring about waiting children. We feel fortunate to be able to be signed up with two other adoption agencies in addition to LDSFS including Premier Adoption and Forever Bound Adoption which was founded by Steve Sunday, a very reputable adoption professional who has had over 30 years of experiences heading adoptions with LDS Family Services and who currently sits on the Board of Directors of Utah Foster Care.
This change in LDS Family Services adoption services is not the end of the world for our adoption hopes but I know that other prospective adoptive couples going through LDS Family Services have been absolutely devastated by the news that LDSFS will no longer be a child-placing agency. My heart truly goes out to these families. In answer to the question I posed earlier: what does this mean for adoptive couples who have been waiting to adopt through LDS Family Services? These families who have been using LDS Family Services must now find another adoption agency or pursue an adoption with a lawyer but no agency involvement (which means they'd have to network like CRAZY to find a birthmother who is in a position to place a child). Or they could always pursue foster adoption through their state, look into domestic adoption, pursue infertility treatments (if that is an option for them and if they haven't already exhausted their financial resources and/or health in the process, that is) or simply give up. None of these options will be easy.
This change in LDS Family Services adoption services is not the end of the world for our adoption hopes but I know that other prospective adoptive couples going through LDS Family Services have been absolutely devastated by the news that LDSFS will no longer be a child-placing agency. My heart truly goes out to these families. In answer to the question I posed earlier: what does this mean for adoptive couples who have been waiting to adopt through LDS Family Services? These families who have been using LDS Family Services must now find another adoption agency or pursue an adoption with a lawyer but no agency involvement (which means they'd have to network like CRAZY to find a birthmother who is in a position to place a child). Or they could always pursue foster adoption through their state, look into domestic adoption, pursue infertility treatments (if that is an option for them and if they haven't already exhausted their financial resources and/or health in the process, that is) or simply give up. None of these options will be easy.
Because I'm slightly biased in favor of providing foster care regardless of if the outcome is adoption, I did offer up this piece of advice in an online forum to any who find themselves in such a position:
"For any hopeful adoptive couples out there who may not be able to afford the costs of a private agency outside of LDSFS and who have ever considered it, I would strongly encourage you to look into FOSTERING or FOST/ADOPTING THROUGH YOUR STATE which is not only FREE but more importantly can make a huge difference in the life of a child! Here's the link to a downloadable Prospective Foster Parent Packet from Utah Foster Care: http://utahfostercare.org/beco.../prospective-parent-packet/ and here is a link to finding more info about fostering in other states: http://www.adoptuskids.org/.../state-adoption-and-foster...."
Any other thoughts on the changes with LDS Family Services and adoption?
I love that you are a mother no matter if you have children in your home or not. Someone once told me that being a mother is about nurturing and you can touch lives by 'mothering' even those who are not permanantly in your home-and I think it is true. My family and I in the next few years be doing privatized adoption and we hope that when our first set are grown to foster/adopt through our state
ReplyDeleteThank you for living such a selfless and amazing life! On January 31, 2014 we launched our website/organization. Our mission is to uplift, inspire, and empower people by spreading hope and purpose to individuals around the world. RIght now we are sharing foster stories to help advocate and raise awareness. The website is www.realimprints.org. If you ever feel impressed to share your story, we'd be honored to feature it on the site. There is a beautiful story that we featured today, as well as an amazing video. We wish you the best and thanks again for your goodness!